Search Results for: dummy

3 Tips On How To Give Up The Dummy

When Is The Right Age To Ditch The Dummy? Many children around the world use a dummy as an aid to soothe them, the question is; when is the right age to ditch the dummy? I have seen lots of children with dummies and advised lots of families on when

Pregnancy & Birth

What You Need For A Newborn Baby

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You’re about to embark on a new journey that’s full of joy and excitement, with a little (or a lot) of anxiety mixed in. Being a new mom in the age of the Internet and social media means you’re bombarded with so much information, including what

Has My Baby Got Oral Thrush?

Has My Baby Got Oral Thrush?

Has my baby got oral thrush? Young babies are prone to oral thrush, especially those under the age of 2. It’s caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans, which sometimes accumulates on the lining of the mouth. Sometimes it is a mistake for milk deposits on the baby’s tongue as it looks

Caring For Children's Teeth
Pre-School Children

Caring For Children’s Teeth Tips And Advice

Advice on caring for children’s teeth Baby teeth set the foundation for a child’s permanent teeth. There are 20 primary teeth below a baby’s gums, and sometimes they can begin to form in the second trimester of pregnancy.  As the baby grows older, the primary teeth give way to about

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