The character of a person is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinct to an individual.” Sometimes, we hear the phrases, “he was a man of good character” or “that was out of character for her.” We know that a strong character is an important part of being a good and well-adjusted person. However, […]
Screen Time – How Much is Too Much?
In this day and age, it’s hard to find a parent who hasn’t had some sort of internal conflict regarding screen time – Should I allow my child to watch YouTube? Can I let her borrow my smartphone? Am I a horrible parent if I buy my 10-year-old her own Ipad? The questions are endless. […]
A Massage Can Stop A Crying Baby
Reflexology is nothing new and is the ancient practice of massaging pressure points throughout the body to stimulate nerve endings and can help to relieve pain. These nerve endings apparently correspond to different organs and places within the body. Parents are now looking at reflexology to help their young children. Parents are even using reflexology […]
Mum shamed after calling Santa ‘Father Christmas’ instead of gender-neutral term
A Plymouth woman has said she had been made to feel on edge as a survey which asks if the name Father Christmas should be modernised showed 15% of British people are in favour of a change. Plymouth mum has explained how she’s been pulled into line for saying Father Christmas because the Father Christmas […]
Fathers Have Started Campaigning For Baby Changing Facilities In Men’s Toilets
I am a stay at home, work at home dad myself, so this story is actually quite close to my heart. If you are looking for public baby changing facilities, you will typically find them in female and disabled toilets. If you look at public spaces and how they attribute parental responsibility, it would appear […]