Reflexology is nothing new and is the ancient practice of massaging pressure points throughout the body to stimulate nerve endings and can help to relieve pain. These nerve endings apparently correspond to different organs and places within the body. Parents are now looking at reflexology to help their young children. Parents are even using reflexology […]
UK Scarlet Fever Outbreak Is Highest In 50 Years
The UK is suffering from a massive scarlet fever outbreak as hundreds of cases of the disease had been recorded across England and Wales in recent weeks. Scarlet fever is an infectious disease which was most prominent in the Victorian era. Scarlet fever is mostly a childhood disease seen in those aged between 2 and […]
Norovirus is spreading through shopping trolleys – What are the symptoms to look for?
Major supermarkets throughout the UK see an obscene amount of people come through their doors and of course, these people are using the shopping trollies. The Swansea Bay University Health Board has suggested that people should be washing their hands before touching the shopping trollies and then after as well in a bid to help stop the […]
Mums Should Take Yearly Holidays With Their Daughters To Help With Their Health
Mothers are being urged to take regular holidays with their daughters by scientists to help improve their health. This is not a new thing, and there is a tonne of studies urging women to take holidays with their friends. However, the studies are now saying to bin off your friends and bring your daughter with […]
Mums Should Go Out With Their Friends Twice a Week
Having friends is essential for your mental health and happiness. However going out with your friends at least twice a week is vital for your overall wellbeing a study claims, The study was carried out by Oxford University and found that women who go out with their girlfriends often had better health and were happier […]