My God, She Can Snore

My god, I have been with my wife for 15 years, and she usually purrs away in her sleep, but now she has a baby in her belly she snores like a freight train.

I sit in bed at night trying to sleep but instead I have to listen to her, and I am baffled at how she can even make some of the noises.

One evening I tried to replicate the sound myself, and it was impossible. It was like she was breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth all at the same time while gurgling a whoopee cushion.

Whoopee Cusion

I always laughed at others who have to sleep in a different room from their partners because of snoring, but I am now seeing why they do it. I am totally exhausted, and the baby isn’t even here yet.

How am I going to cope?

When I eventually get some sleep, you are woken up early because they want to carry on nesting and that decorating cannot wait!!

Another couple of hours is all I need… Nope, Mrs Grumble can’t understand why you are tired and grumpy!! Mrs Grumble also likes to point out that I don’t have any cause complain because I am not growing a human in my belly!!!


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