Teething can be a very traumatic and upsetting time for babies. It can equally be a very difficult time for any parent. As a parent, if you notice that teething is about to happen, you should promptly think of ways to help your baby. In most instances, a small lump will be visible under the gum when teeth are about to erupt. Although at other times teeth seem to appear from nowhere. Below are some of the most effective ways of coping with teething without necessarily using medication.
What Are The Signs Of Teething?
To begin with, you should look out for the signs that your baby is actually teething. Drooling is one of the main signs you should look out for. All babies drool, however during teething, babies often drool excessively. Chances are your baby may even get a rash due to the excess saliva, it is best to wipe off the saliva as soon as possible off their faces. Ensuring the face of the baby is kept dry at all times is highly beneficial as it prevents unwanted rashes from forming. A baby who is drooling will cough a little, but it should not worry you.
Moreover, when the first set of teeth erupts through the gums, the baby may become slightly irritable. This discomfort is likely to become worse as soon as the larger hind molars begin to appear. The truth is, all children have varying experiences, and some infants seem not to have many problems with teething; therefore, they tend to pay less attention to it.

The constant urge to bite on almost anything is yet another sign that your baby is teething. It really will not matter what object it is, and your baby will most likely place it in his or her mouth and chew on it. The best way to deal with such a situation is by making sure there are enough teething toys or teething rings at hand. Currently, there are lots of them in the market. Furthermore, they are safe, and your baby will have an effective way of dealing with the discomfort.
In the process, infants also tend to become very moody, and it will seem like there is nothing that can satisfy them. Just remember to stay calm because this is a phase most parents go through. At times babies may not want to eat anything mostly since they are teething due to the pain. However, they will show signs of hunger, so keep a lookout for these.
If your baby becomes excessively upset, some medications can be used to help lighten the pain. Calpol is effective for reducing the pain, and oral ointments such as Bonjela or similar ones in supermarkets are just as good. Seeking advice from your health visitor is another option if you are still worried.