Angel Water Ticking Time Bomb

The first appointment with the midwife after Baby Grumble was born was one to remember. We are still fumbling about trying to hold Baby Grumble without dropping or hurting her and everything is a bit awkward and clunky which is to be expected as new parents.

Baby Grumble

Anyway, the midwife arrives at our home, and she comes in and chats with Mrs grumble for a while while I try and wake myself up from a late night out on the town and just try and get my life together.

The midwife wants to weigh Baby Grumble, and so I go and get her, and the midwife pointed out that she has to be naked, ok fair enough I said. I take Baby Grumble back to her room strip her off, and then it dawned on me that her nappy was clean and that this next leg of the journey from the bedroom to the lounge was going to be a toilet mishap waiting to happen.

Baby Grumble was quite literally a ticking time bomb, and I was dreading getting covered in something stinky.

Well, I make the distance between Baby Grumble’s room to the lounge and into the scales without any problems, and I am quite proud of myself at this point. However, things are about to change.

I pick Baby Grumble up from the scales and slowly walk back to her room but before I even left the lounge her wee or from now on I will call it Angel water was spraying out of her chuff and hitting my hand and then spraying in my face. With Angel water now trickling down my arm and dripping off my elbow onto my leg I was not exactly overly excited.

What the hell am I supposed to Do?

Well… I just froze and glanced over at Mrs grumble who was now rolling about laughing, and I was less than impressed.

After Baby Grumble decided to stop weeing on me, I made a quick dash to her room, being careful not to slip over on the now soaked wooden floors.

The joys of parenthood are coming through now.


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