How Much Dribble?

My life at the moment revolves around me wiping dribble off from my arms, Clothes, floors, walls, kitchen worktops, tables pretty much any surface that is remotely flat or absorbent. My life is one big wet moist dribble.

How Much Dribble? 1

Baby Grumble is teething, and she spends her life with long strands of dribble leaking out the sides of her mouth and to mix things up a bit she likes it when snot is swinging from her nostrils. But what really livens up my day is when these bootlaces of snot and dribble fall and hit our wood flooring and when I am moving about the place with a bit of speed they become little patches of black ice which like to remind you they exist by putting me on my arse randomly through the day.

I walk around with Baby Grumble in my arms, and I now position her so that the dribble and snot just fall straight to the floor and hopefully my socks soak up this lovely little landmine before it catches me out on my tour around the home.

We laugh and joke about it but I went and had quite an important meeting the other week, and I get home to realise I had a long trail of snot down the back of my shirt. Yes, I had spent all day with that on my back. I feel like a plank, but I have a small child, so I get away with it…. well did I?

Life is pretty good at the moment we are busy, and Baby Grumble is growing like a trooper so all is great.


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