Some helpful tips for putting your child into childcare.
Give it time – Allow your child all the time they need to settle in properly and to feel confident being without you. For some children, it may take months, but that’s fine.
Reassure your littleone – Get into a routine of giving your child a hug and a kiss and saying “goodbye, I will pick you up later before you leave. This reassures them and allows them to realise you will be back later to collect them.
Be enthusiastic and listen carefully to your littleone and what activities they do. Reinforce their key person at home and speak to your child about them.
Help your child to understand what they will be doing on a daily basis. Talk with them about what they will be doing, and it sometimes helps to make a visual board of activities.
Ask your child questions about what activities they think they will do in the day. Get involved with what is happening in the nursery.
Do not leave without saying goodbye, and it will just make them miss you more. Make sure your child knows you will be coming back to collect them.
Teach your kid to do things for themselves such as: putting on their coat; zipping it up; and putting their shoes on.
Encourage your child to be sociable by taking them to toddler groups or ‘mummy meetups’. This will allow them to join in singing nursery rhymes and learning to sit down and listen.
Make sure your children has attended settling-in sessions. They are there to help boost your child’s confidence and make sure they feel comfortable.
Inform your toddlers Key person about important information they need to know about your child. This allows your child’s Key person to know your child and help them receive the best outcomes.